As the Chicago White Sox continue to struggle, manager Ozzie Guillen’s delightful fiery Venezuelan blood is heating up and that’s good news for us. Last night, after a disagreement over balls and strikes with umpire Todd Tichener, Guillen was ejected for the first time this season. Sox slugger Paul Konerko was called out on strikes in the first inning and Guillen was already voicing his displeasure with Tichener’s strike zone. Even better, Guillen claims he had no idea who Tichener was, which means that he didn’t really care about hurting his feelings. If only Ozzie could manage every game for every team.
After Konerko was called out looking at strike 3, Tichener told Guillen not to step on the field and Guillen ignored the warning resulting in his ejection. Guillen, of course, broke out his lexicon of terrible things to call a person and it was vintage Guillen before he finally left the game. But thanks to the miracle of social networking, Guillen took his anger to Twitter to discuss matters further.
Guillen reacted harshly when asked afterward about posting Twitter messages immediately after his ejection.
“I no worry about that,” Guillen said. “Let’s talk about [expletive] baseball. [Expletive] tweeting.” (Via ESPN)
You can read the Tweets below, and yeah, they are pretty disappointing. Mainly because the Tweet right below them was about spending time with the New York Police Department, so if you don’t pay attention to the time stamps it could sound a bit more adventurous. I’m just hoping that this was a trial run for Guillen and that he makes this a regular occurrence, because his Tweets are otherwise boring. He needs to be more Iron Sheik and less Iron Chef. Also, Jose Canseco needs some competition in the terrible English department.