The 2012 Vladivostok Bikini Fitness Open Looks Like An Important Event

I don’t know much about the Russian city of Vladivostok other than it is the largest Russian port on the Pacific Ocean, and I only know that because I found this cool site that has a ton of information on anything you can think of. I’m not going to tell you the name of the site, though, because it’s my little secret. But apparently my ignorance of Vladivostok and Russian culture has kept me blind to what I am now calling the most important competition of the year.

The 2012 Vladivostok Bikini Fitness Open took place just a few weeks ago, and while I am upset that I didn’t get to this in a more timely manner, the website English Russia (simple yet effective, comrades) raises the all important point that the Open “for some unknown reason has not been widely covered by media…” Well, English Russia, I am here to answer your call, much like our two countries worked together to defeat the enemy in Iron Eagle 2. RIP Doug Masters.

And I not only second this statement, but I will slam my fist on my desk in outrage as I scroll through the photos of the hard-working, dedicated women who participated in this *clears throat* fitness competition. They deserve to be known and appreciated for their *clears throat* ambition, damn it.


















