USC To Lane Kiffin: ‘Don’t Let It Hit You Where The Good Lord Split You’

As head coach of the USC Trojans football program, Lane Kiffin compiled a 28-15 record over the last three seasons and through the first five games of this season, and that’s not very good when you’re reportedly recruiting the nation’s best classes each year. In those three years, only one season yielded a conference division title. Not a conference title, just a conference division. And if all of that wasn’t unimpressive enough, Kiffin’s only bowl appearance with the Trojans was a 21-7 loss to Georgia Tech in the 2012 Sun Bowl.

But breaking down Kiffin’s coaching record at any level is low-hanging fruit, and the only news that matters today is that after the Trojans were humiliated in a 62-41 loss to Arizona State last night, Kiffin was fired this morning by USC athletic director Pat Haden. Start praying, Jacksonville Jaguars fans.

Haden said in a statement that USC would hold a press conference at an unknown time later today, but the Los Angeles Times reported that this firing is over so much more than just one horrible, awful, ridiculous loss.

The timing also has recruiting ramifications because some top prospects in Southern California reportedly voiced concern about Kiffin’s status.

Haden’s action comes eight months after Kiffin’s father, Monte, resigned as defensive coordinator, and three months after Lane Kiffin announced that he would not give up play-calling duties.

Kiffin has long been touted for his ability to recruit the nation’s top prospects, but any accolades or praise that he has earned for his actual coaching abilities has either been incredibly misguided and unwarranted or merely the result of his father’s success in the NFL for so many years.

While it is unknown who will replace Kiffin at USC for the long haul, we can be sure that Kiffin won’t be unemployed for too long, as his so-called “high football IQ” will almost always convince an NFL GM with no football IQ that he’s worthy of a huge paycheck and an endless supply of second chances.

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