The Dutch Are Gross

I’ve been staring at a blinking cursor for ten minutes trying to come up with the words to set this clip up, but I got nothing. Bupkis. So, I’m just going to post this block quote and keep making an icky face.

Two Dutch television-show hosts said they had their flesh cooked by a top chef and then dined on each other before a studio audience.

“Nothing is really that special when you’re talking about the taste of the meat,” host Dennis Storm told “But it is weird to look into the eyes of a friend when you are chewing on his belly.”

Part of Storm’s left butt cheek was carved out by a surgeon, while his co-host, Valerio Zeno, opted to have a piece of his abdomen removed, they say. […]

“The chef cooked it in a frying pan with sunflower oil,” Storm said. “We didn’t add any salt or pepper because we wanted to know what it tasted like.” [ABC News]

Now, if I understand science fiction correctly, these two are both going to go mad with insatiable cravings for more human flesh, right? You taste the forbidden fruit, and then nothing else will satisfy you? Steak? Pork tenderloin? Might as well be horse meat. They’ll have to start butchering the homeless and feasting on them in a horrifying nightly ritual. But that won’t be enough either. Oh no. Why dine on malnourished drug addicts when there’s much higher quality meals just walking around town, taunting you with their delicious, tender flesh? It will all be too much to bear. So they’ll start abducting the city’s well-fed upper crust. Hysteria will ensue as the butchered remains of the rich are found in the street, until the two are caught dining on a slow-roasted local banker. After a sensational trial, they’ll be sentenced to death for their heinous crimes against their fellow man, and Ryans Gosling and Reynolds will portray them in the disturbing but critically-praised film.

Seems like a pretty big risk to me. Especially for a short segment on a TV show.

via Daily What