McKayla Maroney Went On Letterman And Did The Face

The United States women’s gymnastics team appeared on The Late Show With David Letterman last night, and after talking about winning the gold medal in London, the conversation turned to my single favorite part of the 2012 Olympics: McKayla Maroney and the fierce as hell bitchface she made after falling on the vault and settling for a silver medal. If you’ve been anywhere near a computer or smartphone over the past two weeks, you know what I’m talking about. It has been EVERYWHERE. And I have loved it.

So, naturally, Dave asked her about it during the group interview, and I have good news and bad news for you guys. Good news: She appears to be an extremely well-adjusted young woman who is taking her Internet fame in stride, and having quite a bit of fun with the situation. Bad news: Because she is an extremely well-adjusted young woman who is taking her Internet fame in stride, and having quite a bit of fun with the situation, it has ruined my perception of her as a real-life version of Regina from Mean Girls, which is an incredible letdown for me. C’est la vie.

Anyway, now that the Olympics are over and we have reached the “Person Acknowledges Existence of the Internet on Popular Television Show” stage of the McKayla Is Not Impressed meme, I think it’s a safe time to start winding the whole thing down. It burned fast and bright and it was great while it was happening, but it was never meant to last. Nothing gold can stay.