Lara Logan Would Like To Apologize For That Bullsh*t Report On Benghazi ’60 Minutes’ Aired

Recently, 60 Minutes ran a report it billed in promos as the definitive account of what happened in Benghazi. It’s main conclusion: “Benghazi was a planned, sophisticated attack by al Qaeda against a barely protected American outpost.” The report, which was done by Lara Logan and her heaving breasts, relied heavily on the testimony of a man using the pseudonym “Morgan Jones,” the security man hired to train guards at the U.S. consulate there.

Well, since the report aired it’s been revealed that Morgan Jones is a man whose real name is Dylan Davies and the account Davies gave to the FBI of what happened that night largely contradicts the account he gave to 60 Minutes. Lara Logan apologized for the botched report — which has now been scrubbed from the internet — on the CBS morning show earlier today.

“We were wrong to put him on air,” she said, adding, “We will apologize to our viewers and we will correct the record on our broadcast on Sunday night.”

Still, many questions remain — questions like, “WHY THE F*CK DID YOU PUT THIS SHADY F*CKER ON THE AIR?” — questions 60 Minutes and CBS have so far been unwilling to answer. Huffington Post media reporter Michael Calderone has been trying to get answers from them all week and they have refused to return his calls and emails. Perhaps Calderone should just show up unannounced with a camera crew — you know, 60 Minutes ambush style — at CBS corporate headquarters?