‘Totally Biased’ Inducts Rob Ford Into The ‘Hall Of Crack Smoking Mayors’

Much fun has sprouted from Toronto Mayor Rob Ford admitting to smoking crack on Tuesday. But ‘Totally Biased with W. Kamau Bell’ felt it was an opportunity to add Mayor Ford to the prestigious Hall of Crack Smoking Mayors alongside memorable DC Mayor Marion Barry (re-elected and still serving in public office I might add).

There’s even mention of the dastardly Mayor McCheese whom many will support claiming collusion between the Hamburgler and Grimace from the grassy knoll. I know better and won’t forget.

And just to put some punctuation on the whole Rob Ford mess, I can’t personally remember a more unhinged personality leading an entire city. Not even when Giuliani wore drag did I think he was a ticking time bomb ready to explode at a moment’s notice. Rob Ford is the MOAB of public officials at this point.

Congratulations on your entrance into the hall! Global strife and economic peril be damned!
