Conan Became A Texas Deputy In His Latest Hilarious Remote Segment

We’ve noted before how Conan is the master of the remote segment. He can turn a trip to a doll store, a ride along with Kevin Love and Ice Cube, or even a chat with his interns into comedy gold.

The latest, in what I hope is a series, hails  from Dallas Week and features Conan’s efforts to  become a Texas deputy sheriff. It does not disappoint in the slightest.

Highlights include Conan’s list of celebrities who “got away with it,” the dated police simulation footage that features more kung-fu than a RZA movie, and Conan’s itchy trigger finger. It starts off slow, but soon turns into a goldmine.

I really hope there’s more Sheriff Conan for later in the week. In fact, make him a running candidate for next season on True Detective. He just needs to really watch his back because criminals in Texas know kung fu and they’re dishing out buffet sized ass beatings.

(Via Team Coco)