This Sappy McDonald’s Super Bowl Commercial Says You Can Pay For Your Burgers ‘With Love’

I don’t know what’s going on with McDonald’s marketing strategy these days. Instead of focusing on their food or freshness (HA!) or even trying to make themselves appear hip or cool as they’ve done in the past — lately they’ve moved their focus to schmaltzy “feel good” advertising, like that pandering “Signs” commercial.

Their Super Bowl commercial airing Sunday, however, takes it to next level sap with “Pay with Lovin’,” in which the fast food giant states that from February 2nd to the 14th, random customers will be selected to opt to “pay” for their food with an act of kindness. Oh right. I can see that working out just great. Because the last thing your typical apathetic, underpaid McDonald’s employee probably wants to do is goad families into hugging it out for free Big Macs. “JUST F*CKING HUG ALREADY GODDAMMIT.”

Ba da ba ba ba!