Alex Trebek Saying ‘Genre’ Over And Over Will Change (And Maybe Ruin) Your Life Forever

How do you pronounce the word “genre”? Say it out loud right now, because it probably doesn’t sound like what Alex Trebek says on Jeopardy! And once you hear him say it a few dozen times in a row, it might ruin your brain forever.

The longtime host of the show that James Holzhauer broke earlier in the year is back for Season 36 after enduring chemotherapy for what was a scary cancer diagnosis. And many fans seem to be celebrating the return of both Jeopardy! and Trebek hosting said show in a variety of ways. Perhaps the best is a video that Alex Jacob posted on Twitter on Friday. Jacob, who is a trivia streamer and winner of Jeopardy‘s All-Star and Tournament of Champions competitions, put together a small portion of the times Trebek has said “genre” on the show.

It’s, uh, pretty amazing.

It’s difficult to explain if you’re not going to click the video and watch it, but there’s something spectacular about the way Trebek pronounces “genre.” Every letter is somehow stretched out and allowed to breathe, like a fine wine improving in quality once it’s allowed contact with fresh air. Much has been made about Trebek’s cadence and the way he gives answers to contestants, but pulling a single word out and presenting it in rapid-fire style is mesmerizing.

It’s also very funny to see all the different genres that get clues on Jeopardy!, from sports to movies and even one about a “lowborn scamp.” Really exploring the space, and we’re all the better for it. It’s just good to have Jeopardy! back in our lives, and any montage of Trebek is usually a good one.

One other fun tribute that’s a bit more motivational is The Trebeck Affirmations Soundboard, which was made “for those distressing moments in life when you could use an audible nudge of encouragement” according to creator Rex Sorgatz.

It’s great for times when you need Trebek to encourage you, or perhaps praise you for getting a tough question right. It’s nice, and hearing Trebek say nice things (presumably about you) is lovely. Fun times all around.