Amy Poehler was a guest on Ellen yesterday, and in discussing her recently released memoir, Yes Please, Ellen went through some of the more interesting tidbits that she picked up from reading Poehler’s book. One of those tidbits is that apparently Amy Poehler sometimes, as a treat to herself, will write with the girls out. You know, completely topless, NBD. She says that she thinks that it started by accident, like she got out of the shower once and was trying to finish something up real quick — but then realized that hey, this is actually pretty nice.
Interesting. Like most unwashed bloggers, I frequently write pantless, or braless — rarely showered, of course — but topless? That is one writing state of undress that has never even occurred to me. I will have to try it out sometime and report back with full details. [Full disclosure: no I won’t.]
As a bonus clip, here’s Amy Poehler talking about the end of Parks and Recreation, which wraps filming this week. Too soon!
(Via Jezebel)