A Wayward Camel Makes For A Very Special Return For ‘Brian Fellow’ On ‘SNL’

Tracy Morgan’s return to Saturday Night Live seems to have been a special time for numerous reasons, including the return of everybody’s favorite animal enthusiast, Brian Fellow. As usual, Fellow was odd and remained aloof to his guests and their animals (for the most part). This includes an appearance from SNL highlights Pete Davidson and Aidy Bryant, plus a beaver and fantastic camel.

I say fantastic because the camel seemed to be cool at first and provided this wonderful visual that could be turned into a TV sitcom immediately and I’d watch:

But soon the camel had decided to toss out all of its key camel television training and essentially block the entire sketch from the camera. Right in the middle of Brian Fellows’ thought lecture from his beaver father, the camel’s ass busts in to ruin the shot. Then it does the same to Aidy Bryant and her puzzled reaction, and Fellows’ conclusion to his show.

The best part is how Morgan just seems to roll with it in the end and make it part of the sketch. If you don’t think Brian Fellow would yell at a camel and then wander off to have a nice day in the park, you’re clearly a fool who knows nothing about camels. They love the park.

(Via SNL)