Throughout the entire Bill Cosby saga, his wife, Camille, has never wavered in supporting her husband. After Cosby’s recently revealed admission of drugging women for sex, even Jill Scott withdrew her endorsement, and Cosby’s own agent dropped him. Cosby may soon lose his Presidential Medal of Freedom, but he’ll never lose Camille.
According to The New York Post, Camille recently held a public relations-approved meeting at her home after crisis specialists advised her to “get back out in front of this.” So the united front remains, and Camille is not fazed by Cosby’s courtroom admissions as recorded in the now infamous deposition. Camille told her assembled guests that she knows her husband is “a serial philanderer,” but she believes all of his alleged victims “consented to drugs and sex”:
“Camille still doesn’t believe that Bill provided drugs and had sex with women without their consent,” said a source employed by the Cosby family. “She’s well aware of his cheating, but she doesn’t believe that her husband is a rapist.”
Mrs. Cosby is “a proud, dignified but stubborn woman. You can say that she’s standing by her husband, but really, the more people stand against him, the more she perceives it as an affront to her and all that she’s done to make him a star,” said another source who’s done business with the Cosbys and remains close to them.
“I created him, I knew what I was getting and we’ll fix this,” she told the gathering at a meeting at the couple’s Shelburne Falls, Mass., home Tuesday night.
“They are making him out to be such a bad guy, a monster,” Camille said, according to the source. “People are jumping ship,” she added in an apparent reference to actress Jill Scott, who now says she’s sorry for her staunch support of Cosby, and comedian Jimmy Walker, another onetime defender who now calls America’s Dad the “O.J. Simpson of comedy.”
Camille’s real problem, according to the sources, is the “invasion of privacy.” She reportedly “stopped being embarrassed long ago” by Bill’s behavior. To her the issue is between man and wife, and Camille doesn’t give any credence to the mounting list of victims who have all come forward with similar stories. It’s hard to believe Camille could ever support Bill even after his admission, but there you have it.
(via The New York Post & Vulture)