Netflix has released a trailer and premiere date for its new animated Carmen Sandiego series, which will be hitting the streaming service later this month. This latest offering in the franchise — which originated as an educational video game series in the 1980s followed by a PBS game show and Fox animated series in the 1990s — will star Gina Rodriguez as the iconic lady in red, along with Finn Wolfhard (Stranger Things) who will be playing her loyal sidekick, Player.
Rodriguez will also be playing the character in a live-action Netflix film — with a premiere date yet to be announced.
“Everybody asks “WHERE is Carmen Sandiego? but nobody asks “WHO is Carmen Sandiego?” reads the trailer’s description and, unlike previous iterations, this time the titular character will be the hero of the series, not the villain. Previously, Carmen Sandiego was a thief working for the international crime ring V.I.L.E. However, in the new animated series, she will be actively working against them to steal back the stolen goods.
When news of the project was first leaked in April of 2017, insiders stated that it would be “as educational as it is entertaining,” since the educational aspect of the franchise always focused on the geographical adventures of Carmen Sandiego and the detectives hunting her down.
Season one of Carmen Sandiego streams on Netflix January 18.