Last night I found myself doing something I rarely do — watching Leno. There are two reasons for this: 1) my lady friend had control of the remote control and 2) Chris Pratt was a guest on the show.
Anyone else who watched it knows that Pratt came out looking a little puffy. Turns out, he recently had to gain a bunch of weight for a part in a film.
“I gained 60 pounds in about 4 1/2 months,” Pratt told Leno. “I just did it the old fashioned way: eating and drinking my face off.”
Pratt said that one day on the set of Parks and Recreation he ate 81 scoops of ice cream. The props department kept track. None of this surprises me.
Here’s part one…
And here’s part two. Be sure to note Leno burning the producers of Zero Dark Thirty for not sending over a clip that featured Pratt. He refused to play it. I was actually kind of Team Leno for a brief moment in time after he did that. Please don’t hold it against me.