Donald Trump Sure Seems To Love A Lot of Things In This ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’ Supercut

A brief review of our 2016 election coverage will reveal an unsurprising truth — “love” is a word that candidates past and present tend not to use very often. This is especially the case whenever the political or media discourse turns to Republican front-runner Donald Trump, whose violent campaign rallies and aggressive policy proposals don’t bring “love” to mind. To fix this particular gaping hole in the New York real-estate mogul’s image, Jimmy Kimmel Live put together a supercut of all the times Trump has ever talked about love during one of his many, many rambling speeches.

Turns out Trump loves a lot of things, and not just the “poorly educated” and attractive Washington Post reporters. The Donald also adores:

  • this county
  • free trade
  • building buildings
  • hopping around
  • people that faint
  • potatoes
  • tough people
  • protesters
  • women
  • China
  • Mexico
  • Mexican people
  • Hispanics
  • Evangelicals
  • Mormons
  • pretty much anyone or anything else he can dedicate his oratory skills to

Then again, as talk-show host Jimmy Kimmel points out, “The first thing you have to learn is to love yourself, and clearly he does.” There’s no debating the fact that a man who sells his own last name as a brand and adorns buildings with it in gold lettering loves himself.