Jimmy Kimmel Dedicated This Hilarious Fake Ad To Donald Trump’s ‘Poorly Educated’

After winning the Nevada Republican Primary on Tuesday, Republican front-runner Donald Trump gave a rousing victory speech in which he professed his love for all of the state’s conservative voters who’d come out to support him at the polls. Chief among them were the “poorly educated,” a group about which Trump had nothing but generous things to say. Even so, the turn of phrase struck many as being a little awkward, so Jimmy Kimmel Live decided to do something about it on Wednesday.

And by “something,” I mean “create a 35-second fake advertisement rife with misspellings, bad geography and egregious mashups between world leaders and pop culture superstars.” It’s a gimmick that show host Jimmy Kimmel and his team have perfected ever since Trump announced his campaign last summer, but new additions to the flaming pile of detritus that is the 2016 presidential race are always welcome.

Besides, where else are voters going to see political shenanigans as stunning as calls for the next great “leeder” who will fight the “terists,” protect the border from Canada Mexico, and “make America grate again?” Pretty much anywhere with a television and access to the 24-hour cable news marathon, to be honest. But Kimmel’s show is on broadcast, which means viewers can save some money every month while still not knowing what the hell is going on in this election cycle.