Jimmy Fallon Released A Song About Washing Your Hands During The Coronavirus Pandemic

Despite the rising infection and death tolls, as well as the rapid closing of, well, almost everything, there remain some people who aren’t sufficiently freaked-out by the novel coronavirus rampaging the globe. Some celebrities, such as Ariana Grande, have used their platform to beg people to take “social distancing” seriously. And now we have Jimmy Fallon writing a song about the importance of washing your hands.

The late night host currently has a lot of time his hands; after all, The Tonight Show, like Late Night, decided to go with suspension rather than audience-less episodes. And what better way to combat cabin fever than by writing a song that may save lives? In a video dropped on his Twitter account, Fallon performs the ditty — about as long as everyone should be taking to wash their hands — on a guitar in his bathroom, intercut with his two young daughters following his command.

The lyrics, in their entirety:

Wash your hands,
Wash your hands
Don’t touch your face
Wash your hands,
Wash your hands
Don’t touch your face
If you wash your hands and do not touch your face
Then the world would be a better place

It’s a simple but catchy song, and it joins many other fun-yet-helpful COVID-19-related videos, from the one issued by the Vietnamese government to the one featuring a hamster that John Oliver deemed more helpful in combating the pandemic than President Donald J. Trump. Speaking of which, if Fallon’s song gets more people to wash their hands for 20 seconds, then that may nearly make up for helping to normalize the man who’s only now starting taking it seriously himself. In any case, can someone please blast this song at the beaches that have proven worryingly jam-packed.

(Via EW)