Throughout 10 seasons, the It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia gang — Charlie, Dee, Mac, Dennis and Frank — have proven themselves to be terrible human beings. While they are certainly all evil in their own way–from Dennis’ sociopath behavior toward women to Frank’s lying and money scheming–Mac (real name Ronald McDonald) has a place in hell too. From his self-centered ambitions to his childish temper, Mac adds a layer of flavor to the gang with his own individualistic, cruel traits. Plus, he always has great advice, too. So without further ado, here are eight times on the show that Mac showed us that he was a garbage person.
Mac Regularly Mocks Sweet Dee
The rest of the gang regularly berates Sweet Dee, but Mac does it more to impress people. Mac once said he’d rather get hit in the face than get married to Dee. He also helped orchestrate a fake series of events (fake comedy club, fake cheering audience, fake manager, fake plane ride to California!) in “The Gang Broke Sweet Dee” so that she thought that all her dreams were coming true. Surprise! They weren’t, and Mac derived great pleasure from hurting her that badly.
Mac Is Totally Hypocritical
As a Catholic, Mac says his religion is very important to him. Not that he lives out the tenets of love or forgiveness or anything, but he likes to get involved in issues in order to cause chaos within the gang. He starts protesting outside of an abortion clinic, until the fellow female protester he hooked up with lies and says she’s pregnant — and he tells her she has to get an abortion. Now that’s some hardcore hypocrisy. In fact, it’s one of the gang’s lowest points, period.
Mac Tried to Take a Baby Tanning
When Mac and Dee found a baby in a dumpster, their first thought was not calling child services, but how to exploit the baby for profit. Oh, except, you know, when the baby modeling agency they go to says they’re looking for more “ethnic” looking children. So, the obvious answer is to take the baby tanning, right? Excellent parenting…
Mac Values Sex More Than Friendship
Over the ten seasons of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Mac has slept with a decent amount of women. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it’s his choices of women that are questionable. He slept with Dennis’ mom, Charlie’s love, The Waitress and confessed to having slept with Dennis’ prom date at their high school reunion. In all the occasions, he tried to keep his sexual indiscretions private, so he definitely knew they were wrong. He just didn’t care enough to stop himself from doing it.
Mac Wears Blackface
The gang decided to make their own homemade movie, Lethal Weapon 6. It’s like the other Lethal Weapon movies, except it’s way racier. Oh, and Mac decided to wear blackface for his role as Roger Murtaugh. Dennis and Mac switch roles halfway through the movie so that Dennis can prove to Mac that you don’t need blackface to play an African-American character. And then, they show the movie to a group of high schoolers in a bar.
Mac Won’t Wear Condoms
Throughout the series, Mac has always spoken out against his hatred of condoms. Lots of guys hate condoms, except, it’s also hinted at that Mac might have a few STDs. The gang from It’s Always Sunny should be a reminder of one thing: please have safe sex, people.
Mac Helps Make a Jihad Video
When an Israeli business owner threatened to sell his part of Paddy’s that he owned, it was Mac’s idea to make and send him a jihad video. In fairness to Mac, after they viewed the video, they agreed they should never send it to anyone. Unfortunately, someone forgot to inform the FBI of their intentions to destroy the video… or Charlie, who sent it to them. Oops.
Mac Was Jealous of Sexual Abuse Victims
The lowest moment of Mac’s entire life (and the thing that cemented him as a truly horrendous human being) is in season one when the McPoyle Brothers falsely accused an elementary school coach of molesting them, and forced Charlie to take part in the scheme. Mac wondered aloud why the gym teacher didn’t molest him, because that shows just how warped Mac’s mind is. You know if Dennis tells you that you’re going to hell, you’re headed there in a shiny hand basket.