Though the world has changed drastically since his death in 2003, the message and mission of Fred Rogers remains. All he ever wanted was for people to be good to each other, kind to each other, and to own a pair of indoor shoes. Now Twitch is once again streaming every Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood episode in honor of his 90th birthday on March 20, and the chat room is already filled with people who can’t wait to have him feed his fish.
Here’s the official Twitch announcement:
To celebrate the 90th birthday of Fred Rogers, we’re starting the marathon with 90 of the most popular episodes of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood followed by a run through the entire show’s history…all 856 episodes. The episodes will be played back to back starting at 10AM Pacific on March 20.
Fans of Mister Rogers have already begun hanging out in his Twitch channel, singing songs and reminiscing about the last marathon while sending each other emojis of Fred’s red train. It’s wholesome. Wholesome as hell.
As of this writing, millions of people have already stopped into Rogers’ Twitch channel, and dozens of people are in there, singing to each other and asking each other questions about their favorite songs or memories. It’s a reminder that Mister Rogers impacted countless people and will continue to do so on mediums we couldn’t have dreamed of back when he was on the air.
His channel is below:
[protected-iframe id=”d6dab83c17568a76dd72f32dc567fa0d-60970621-76566046″ info=”https://player.twitch.tv/?channel=misterrogers” width=”620″ height=”378″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”]Watch live video from MisterRogers on www.twitch.tv