Stephen Colbert Calls In Jon Stewart To Respond To Donald Trump’s ‘Unfunny’ Critique Of Late Night Comedy

Stephen Colbert wasn’t about to let Donald Trump targeting late night comedy pass by without making a spectacle of it, especially when he called it “unfunny.” But he can’t just respond on his own, he wants to actually give Trump’s “equal time” recommendation a chance. So he calls in Jon Stewart to help balance him out and say a few nice things about the president while Colbert runs down a few monologue jokes about Trump.

It seems like the impossible task, mostly because either of these fellas saying anything nice about Trump is a Herculean task, but Stewart does make a few attempts while bending the words to their breaking point. Yes, Donald Trump is probably not a cannibal and he’s likely worse than Harvey Weinstein right now. But then the former Daily Show host hits a roadblock when he has to react to Trump’s “calm before the storm” comments.

Stewart ends up exploding, wondering how anything we’ve seen so far can be described as calm. He then dumps the microphone on Colbert and we’re back to Trump not being a cannibal. It’s a fun way to let Stewart get back on TV, comment on Trump, and actually do something funny instead of just yell at the television. You have to wonder if he’d be able to make it if he was still hosting The Daily Show and digesting this all in a daily basis. Stewart seems like a pro, but it’s all seems neverending at this point. He’d just end up walking out mid-segment to go eat a bunch of street hotdogs. Not like anything matters.

He also joined Colbert’s “Trump Attacked Me On Twitter” Hall of Fame, joining Russell Brand and John Oliver for the time that he was called a p*ssy by the president online at 2:30 in the morning. It’s a special moment indeed and a dream come true.

(Via The Late Show)