Stephen Colbert Is Changing The Way He Does Reruns To Keep You Tuning In

Stephen Colbert isn’t going to let you mosey back to Jimmy Fallon while the Late Show is in reruns. Prep your DVR accordingly.

Colbert’s Late Show will be “experimenting” with some new content woven into a pair of this week’s reruns. Variety reports that this Thursday and Friday’s old episodes will include new material at the beginning of the program. “Late Show staffers will pair new opening sketches, monologues and some new guest interviews with encore presentations of past sit-downs between Colbert and visiting celebrities,” is the gist of what’s coming our way.

Mind you, this isn’t anything unheard of for Colbert. He’s included new stuff on reruns before, but with the program hitting its mainstream stride, the seems to be more and more pressure to grow his audience in the ratings war with The Tonight Show.

There aren’t any plans in place to give every rerun a new content boost, but this might become a trend for shows that want to be relevant while keeping up with the breakneck speed of the current news cycle. Seeing as Colbert’s CBS time slot is getting a small bump-back on Thursday and Friday thanks to Masters highlights, it’ll be interesting to find out if the new stuff is more of a hit on TV or as a series of tidy YouTube clips.

(Via Variety)