‘The Flash’ Throws Back To Some Classic DC History To Introduce Jay Garrick

The “Flash of Two Worlds” story from DC Comics introduced the idea of a multiverse to the long-running company in 1961, bringing about the existence of Earth 2 and reintroducing the Golden Age version of The Flash to the comics. Cut to present day, and The Flash on The CW is preparing to do something similar, using the image from the classic storyline to showcase Jay Garrick’s entrance into the show’s universe.

The hints were planted at the end of last season with the appearance of Garrick’s Hermes-inspired helmet, and a look at the alternate universes throughout Barry Allen’s trip through the speed force. Now we get a glimpse of Teddy Sears as Garrick in his Flash costume, thanks to the sweet promotional poster for season two:

It’s hard to dislike what Warner is doing with its TV slate, thanks to the success of The Flash and Arrow. You just kinda wish it had the same budget as the major features from Warner, to really push the special effects to a better level. At least the heart and soul is there.

(Via Deadline)