‘The Walking Dead’ Serves Up Zombie Death With A Smile Thanks To The ‘Friends’ Theme Song


The Friends theme gets a lot of play with folks who love current TV shows, but seem to have yearning for the era of television theme songs. Friends may be the last show to have a memorable theme, and now it gets a chance to shine with the biggest show on television right about now: The Walking Dead.

It’s actually quite emotional when you hear the lyrics and match them to the visual. Carol shooting Lizzie in the back of the head, tears flowing. Pretty emotional. Beth and Hershel meeting their ends. Pure devastation. But with the Friends theme piping into the background, they’re pretty special and somewhat bright moments of hope.

Hey, you might be down and your friends might be chump meat right about now, but that doesn’t mean you’re alone. You’ve got your Friends. Your murderous, terrifying friends. Good times.

(Via The Woodcreek Faction)