The Year’s 5 Most Popular ‘Saturday Night Live’ Clips On Hulu

Yesterday over on Pajiba, I ranked my 15 favorite Saturday Night Live sketches of 2012 (MAINE JUSTICE!), a list that was quite a bit different from Flavorwire’s ten best sketches, as well as Hitfix’s 10 best sketches of the year. Comedy is subjective, so 100 people ranking Saturday Night Live sketches are likely to come up with 100 different lists.

However, we can tell what were the most popular sketches of the season, objectively, as Hulu has revealed the five most viewed skits of the season, three of which did land on my list.

Here they are:

5. “The Girl You Wish You Hadn’t Started a Conversation With at a Party” — Seth welcomes the girl you wish you hadn’t started a conversation with at a party and gets some obtuse answers to questions about the 2012 election.

4. “Puppet Class” — The instructor of a puppet class has a hard time getting one of his pupils to step outside of his comfort zone.

3. “Lazy Sunday 2” — Parn and Samberg are back.

2. “Undecided Voter” — The 2012 election is going to come down to the undecided voters, a group of people that have some very important questions.

1. “Disney Housewives” — Housewives of Disney aren’t quite the princesses you met in their films long ago.