Trevor Noah Heaps Praise On Ted Cruz For Pulling A Khaleesi At The RNC

Donald Trump had everybody on hold with his nearly 80-minute closing speech at the Republican National Convention. Most of the late night shows were going live, especially Trevor Noah on The Daily Show. (The show will broadcast another new episode on Friday night of this week and next, something they don’t typically do.) Episodes of South Park preceded the start of the show, all while Trump painted with his grim brush against the landscape. But once Noah got started, he had a lot of fun in between some technical glitches.

The standout of the early portion of the show is his praise of Ted Cruz’s moment at the convention and his decision to hold off on endorsing Trump. Noah was firmly in the camp for praising Cruz on his actions, even if it is classic Cruz looking out for Cruz.

He should enjoy it, though. It isn’t everyday that someone is comparing him to Khaleesi on Game of Thrones. And it isn’t everyday that you’re going to get a sweet mural to put on the side of your van:

There’s also of bit of fun with going live later in the show, sorta ruining a brilliant Donald Trump mini-documentary that calls on Rosie O’Donnell to narrate. Right before we get some key info about Trump’s bone spurs, the entire documentary freezes and Trevor Noah is left in shock.