The first episode of Twin Peaks aired on April 8, 1990. But within the show itself, Special Agent Dale Cooper arrived in the town of Twin Peaks — five miles south of the Canadian border, twelve miles west of the state line, never seen so many trees in my life — to investigate the death of Laura Palmer at 11:30 a.m. on February 24. It was slightly overcast. Thus, today, February 24, is known as Twin Peaks Day, and to celebrate, Showtime, which picked up David Lynch and Mark Frost’s gonzo cult show for a limited series, released two new posters featuring — who else — Agent Cooper and Laura Palmer.
Little is known about Showtime’s Twin Peaks, other than that it picks up 25 years after the season two finale and it stars so many people, including both familiar faces (Kyle MacLachlan, Sherilyn Fenn, Mädchen Amick) and sure-why-not cameos (Trent Reznor, Ashley Judd, Eddie Vedder). The season kicks off on May 21 with a two-part premiere; episodes three and four will be available immediately afterwards for Showtime Anytime and Showtime On-Demand subscribers. That should keep fan theorists busy for a few hours.
But that’s still months away. Today, celebrate Twin Peaks Day with a slice of pie, damn fine cup of coffee, and maybe stay away from anyone named Bob.
Here are the posters.