Watch An Animated Version Of Patton Oswalt’s ‘Star Wars’ Filibuster From ‘Parks And Recreation’

As you probably remember and will never forget, Patton Oswalt broke the Internet last month when NBC released a video of him filibustering on Parks and Recreation about Star Wars, The Avengers, The Fantastic Four, and X-Men…for nine whole minutes. It was the most spectacularly Patton Oswalt’y thing Patton Oswalt’s ever done, not to mention the first time in *checks math* forever Star Wars has deserved to be slobbered over.

His tirade has now been improved, though, thanks to the work of “iZacLess” who animated the entire sequence. If Star Wars Episode VII doesn’t look EXACTLY like the banner image, I am going to be furious.

(Via Patton Oswalt)