NBC has released the first two minutes of Believe, its new drama from Lost co-creator J.J. Abrams and Oscar-winning Gravity director Alfonso Cuarón, who directed the pilot. And since Alfonso Cuarón directed it, it should probably come as no surprise that the opening two-minute clip is an extended single shot — or pseudo-single shot, possibly, depending on whether he knows lots of neato camera tricks — that is filled with action. Is it as technically impressive as, say, a six-minute rampage through a series of Louisiana stash houses and side streets? Nah, not quite. But it’s pretty cool and intense in its own right.
Here’s a little background on the show from Wikipedia. It’s a wee bit spoilery, maybe:
The series follows Bo, a young girl who was born with special abilities that she cannot control, and as they start evolving, the people who are protecting her must turn to an outsider. This leads them to Tate, a wrongfully convicted death-row inmate, whom they break out of prison. Although he is reluctant to take on the role as her protector, the two eventually form a bond that will guide them to helping others as well as each other while staying one step ahead of the evil forces that want the girl.
NBC has a lot invested in the show, as evidenced by the big fancy names attached to it and the sweet post-Voice timeslot it has for the March 10 premiere, so this is pretty much set up to be a huge success or a spectacular failure, with not a hell of a lot of room in between. Maybe if things get rough they can try to do a crossover with Law & Order: SVU where Ice-T shows up to help them. I think I would like that.