If you’re reading this, Wheel of Fortune contestant Vivian Tran, please know that you have our deepest sympathies.
During Monday’s episode of the game show, now hosted by Ryan Seacrest with newly-paid Vanna White, Tran made it all the way to the bonus round. The category was “What Are You Doing?” and she chose the letters C, H, M, I and P, along with the gimmes R, S, T, L, N, and E. The board read “_ _ _ E R I N G S _ M E HELP.” Tran fired off a number of guesses, including “Wondering Some Help,” “Answering Some Help,” and “Finding Some Help.” She got two of the three words right, but not the full correct answer: “Offering Some Help.” Ouch.
How much would Tran have won? $1 million (fun fact: the last non-celebrity to win $1 million on Wheel of Fortune was 10 years ago this week, on September 17, 2014). However, according to The New York Post, “Despite missing out on the grand prize, she was in good spirits as she managed to walk away with $27,300 and a trip to Europe.” Still, Tran was (understandably!) disappointed that she couldn’t land the correct answer, as seen here.

Forget offering help. Get Danny DeVito to offer her a nice egg in this trying time. You can watch a clip from the episode here.
(Via The New York Post)