Explosions make Captain America all emo

Damn you, Marvel.  I dig up a movie about a dog in the mafia, which was about to be the internet’s next big thing, and they go and release a new superhero thing that will be all anyone talks about for the rest of the day.  Blog humbug.

Anyway, yeah, it’s the Captain America poster.  The film’s being directed by Joe Johnston, so it’s probably going to suck, but the poster allows me to pretend it won’t for a few minutes, and that’s about all you can ask.  Well done, poster designer guy, take the rest of the week off.  Still, a little somber, no?  I mean, I thought this was America.  Where’s his muscle car?  Shouldn’t he be shredding on a sax solo?

I also like how his suit has abs.  All my clothes have that.  Even my red,white, and blue snuggie.  I like to wear it around the house and pretend I’m a new superhero, “Caftan America.”  (more new-ish pics below)

[additional pics via Empire]

[via HeroComplex]