Faizon Love’s new movie looks legit

I came across this as I was writing up This Week in Posters and I think you’d have to agree that this deserved its own post. I mean look at that thing. It just screams “fun.” I’ve included the trailer below, and before you ask, yes, the main character’s name is Bud. It’s actually a triple entendre – it’s also about friendship! (The “Z” is just for flava).

FUN FACT: Bud’s mother’s name is “Mary Jane.” The biggest question in my mind right now? The set of circumstances that led to this not being released on 4/20. There had to have been a big to do.

The whole time you’re thinking, “How does this not have a record scratch???” And then, one minute and seventeen seconds in, BOOM, THERE’S THE F*CKIN’ RECORD SCRATCH!