That’s One Gigantic Lizard In The Newest Poster For ‘Godzilla’

Hollywood’s scariest pissed off lizard is set to attack San Francisco – Vince knows what he did – on May 16, and a lot of us are pretty skeptical about it all, because the 1998 Roland Emmerich version was basically one giant monster poop being crammed into our eyeballs. Additionally, a couple of newbies are responsible for making this new version of Godzilla, as director Gareth “Gutestory” Edwards is on his sophomore effort, while writer Max Borenstein has only previously written Seventh Son, which was completed last year and has been pushed back three times from 2013 to 2015 and even sold to another studio for distribution. There’s a lot to be nervous about here.

But the cast is still enough to make us excited, with Bryan Cranston, Elizabeth Olsen and Aaron Taylor-Johnson leading a solid group of actors. And if that’s not enough for you, just check out the size of the new Godzilla on the film’s latest poster. It’s like they always say – if you can’t make a great movie, distract everyone with the biggest monster ever made. I believe that’s how Evan Stone is so successful.

For a great idea of just how big this Godzilla monster is, here’s a handy chart of all of the previous Godzillas courtesy of Gotham News: