Honest Trailer for Paranormal Activity vs. The Wayans Bros

The latest installment of ScreenJunkies’ Honest Trailers series hit today, celebrating the release of Paranormal Activity 4 with an honest trailer for Paranormal Activity. Having never seen one of these movies, it seems like an accurate critique, based on the negative things I thought about it while watching the trailers. Maybe? I dunno. I’ll be honest, I haven’t devoted a ton of thought to the Paranormal Activity series. Those two douches on the Discovery Channel forever ruined grainy ghost footage for me. Also, you know what’s scarier than ghosts? Just being dead after you die.

Meanwhile, on the same day, we have a new trailer for Marlon Wayans’ Paranormal Activity parody, A Haunted House. How often do we get to compare Hollywood and the internet head to head like this?

I enjoyed Don’t Be a Menace, the first two Scary Movies, Nick Swardson’s stand up (honestly, he’s great), and most things David Koechner does, but this whole thing looks cobbled together from jokes too lazy for Adam Sandler. The House Committee on Wayans and Means should really do something about Marlon.

I am so ashamed of myself for that joke.


Hey, remember when Marlon Wayans had a Twitter beef with Frank Ocean? That was weird.