‘The Raid 2’ Has Been Turned Into A Playable 8-Bit Video Game And It Is Awesome

In case you were looking for a great way to waste the rest of your day, the marketing team behind The Raid 2: Berandal has you covered. With the very highly anticipated sequel to Gareth Evans’s 2011 action favorite hitting theaters on Friday, some diabolical genius decided to make The Raid 2: Arcade Edition so we can play along in our own underworld adventure as one of four characters: Rama, Hammer Girl, Baseball Bat Man and Prakoso.

Unfortunately, the official game site isn’t ready yet, as we’re still greeted by the Coming Soon screen, but ShortList has an exclusive sneak peak of the game that you can play, complete with a leaderboard. As for that whole time-waster part, those marketing geniuses are also giving away an Xbox One to the person with the highest score. So long productivity!