Van Damme can still do za spleets, noooo problaim.

We were all a little worried about Monsieur Jean Claude Van Damme a couple years back when we thought he’d had a heart attack (apparently he hadn’t – just chest pain), but in case you needed further proof that he’s still healthy enough to do Van Damme stuff, here’s video of him throwing high kicks at the pads with UFC welterweight champ George St. Pierre at Firas Zahabi’s Tristar Gym in Montreal. JCVD proves he can still hit the high pads, and from the looks of it, can still do the splits like he used to do all the time for no reason. (“Oh no, an unexpected lava flow! Hopefully I can escape it on these two oddly-placed chairs!”)

Seeing this, I’ll take Van Damme over Seagal in any fight where the prize isn’t food. I guess Van Damme was there promoting Expendables 2, which opens August 17th, or maybe he was just getting in a good work out (the video came from GSP’s twitter account, so we’re not exactly sure). But either way, I like to imagine that he and St. Pierre celebrated afterwards by going out for frog and berets and shopping for tight, striped shirts and kissing strange women on the hand and painting white stripes on the backs of cats or whatever else two French speakers do when they’re out raising hell. Fun fact: Belgians eat their frog with waffles! (French Canadians eat them with gravy and maple syrup).

Also in Van Damme news, he says he wants to play a trainer in a Bloodsport remake.