David O. Russell Thankfully Gone From “Drake’s Fortune”?

David O. Russell is notable for three things: his enormous talent at directing motion pictures, the ego that outstrips his talent, and the total douchebaggery that outstrips both. You know the stereotype of the director who has a “vision” that he clings to no matter how idiotic it gets and screams at people for daring to try and collaborate with him instead of mindlessly following his orders? That’s Russell.

And his “vision” for “Drake’s Fortune” just got his ass fired…and hoo boy, did we ever dodge a bullet.

Russell had written the script and it was about…a family of art thieves pulling off a heist. It’s also “long” and “ambitious”, which is studio code for “so boring eye-socket sodomy seems more appealing” and “this jerk just blew the budget after we both agreed on it.”

In other words, Russell let his ego get away with him. Which means “Drake’s Fortune” will probably have some director you’ve never heard of, and hopefully will star Nathan Fillion. Just saying, Sony.

[ via the family of international nerd thieves at Blastr ]