Could Be Real: “George Lucas Strikes Back”

Below is the fake trailer for George Lucas Strikes Back, a nonexistent-but-could-totally-be-true movie about the real George Lucas being kidnapped 20 years ago and replaced by an imposter as part of a conspiracy to release childhood-killing, sh**ty movies.  Watch Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and tell us this doesn’t sound plausible.  (Just kiddiing.  Never watch Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.  Deny its existence entirely.  Works for us.)

The inspiration for the clip’s premise comes from Korean imprisonment-and-conspiracy film Oldboy, said Mike Litzenberg, who wrote and directed the clip with his Slick Gigolo cohort Bridge Stuart.

“We’re both huge fans of the original Star Wars and Indiana Jones films and thought it would make sense if the stuff that came out more recently was the result of George Lucas getting Oldboyed,” Litzenberg said in an e-mail to, “and then for kind of the ultimate geek fantasy when he takes his revenge as violently as possible.” [Wired]

The references in this are awesome (a THX reference? Be still my heart.) and their version of Princess Leia is spot on.  Also, can you honestly say this makes any less sense than midi-chlorians and Jar-Jar?

We reached out to George Lucas for a response:

Fair enough.