Japan Makes Mascot Suits Animatronic, Even Creepier

If you’re scared of Chuck E. Cheese type robots, get ready to live in a world of terror, because the Japanese have figured out a way to sync mascot heads with the movement of your face.

The technology is actually fairly incredible. The system, which requires no contact on the face, scans your muscle movements constantly and reacts accordingly. Which in this video means blinking and the mouth flapping like a cuddly fuzzy nightmare creature, but has applications as diverse as helping the bedridden take control of various functions in their hospital room and helping vehicles to steer…or detect when their driver is about to fall asleep and warn them to pull over.

But primarily it’s going to be used to skeeve the rest of the world out, because that’s how Japan rolls, baby. Video under the jump.

[ via the trivial fursuits at Diginfo ]