David E. Kelly’s Wonder Woman TV Show Implodes

A couple months ago we reported Warner Brothers was developing a Wonder Woman television reboot written and produced by David E. Kelley.  Well, we’re going to get at least two Wonder Woman porn parodies long before the TV show ever gets made, because Kelley’s pilot script has been turned down by all the major networks.  Kelley’s spec script was a contemporary, serious version of Wonder Woman keeping the iconic elements of the lasso, bracelets, and invisible jet. (We’ll just assume he made her a lawyer or a doctor also.)  Unfortunately, the large license fee for the franchise ruled out most networks.

CW turned the script down due to the cost, which is for the best because they’d probably cast Heidi Montag in it and film it like a soap opera.  Fox also passed.  ABC passed for obvious reasons: they’re owned by Disney who owns Marvel.  ABC is already developing Marvel properties Hulk and Jessica Jones into TV shows and is unlikely to develop a DC character.  The CBS execs are rumored to have been split on the show, ultimately turning it down.  NBC is changing programming chiefs at the moment, making acquiring the license fee an issue.  The script is being shelved for now.

We’ll just have to satiate our Wonder Woman needs with the porn this FunnyorDie clip of a date with Wonder Woman (NSFW for swearing) starring Maggie Lawson (Juliet from Psych).


[Sources: Deadline, EW, and Blastr]