PSN Accounts to Become Your Forcible Sony Login?

Most people are baffled that Sony is changing the name of your PSN account to “Sony Entertainment Network” accounts, while PSN will still be…uh…PSN. But we’re not. It’s the lamest trick in the book: the account Trojan horse.

Here’s what’s going to happen, until Sony realizes that corporate “ecosystems” never work: Sony will “streamline” everything by making your PSN login your standard login across their networks. So, you won’t just have a PSN account. Now you’ll have a Music Unlimited account! And a Crackle account! And a few other accounts! Whether you want them or not!

These will all be free, of course, but the idea is that Sony signs you up for all these services and then turns around and claims to have millions of users even if nobody is using their services. Google has used a somewhat similar strategy recently, for example. Of course, this also happens to be what’s biting Microsoft in the ass right now in terms of security, but it’s one of those modern annoyances we just have to live with. Eventually Sony will realize nobody cares and not even Apple can pull this off…and forcibly enroll you in something else.

[ via the baffled at Kotaku ]

image courtesy Sony