Eccentric Billionaire Wants To Clone A Dinosaur For A ‘Jurassic Park’-Style Resort

Australian billionaire Clive Palmer has fancy plans. He’s building a replica of the Titanic, and now he also allegedly wants to clone a dinosaur and let it run free in a Jurassic Park-themed section at his new Palmer Resort in Coolum, Queensland. Sunshine Coast Daily reports Palmer has been discussing the plan to clone a dinosaur with the people who cloned Dolly the sheep.

According to the paper’s source, Palmer is also planning to build a 20-story sky needle and a replica of the London Eye ferris wheel at the new resort. It’s also rumored he’s going to target Middle East clientele for the resort, employing only “fly-in, fly-out Muslim hospitality staff” rather than providing jobs for people in the area. It seems the locals are more angry about the lack of job openings than with the possibility of a dinosaur roaming around the neighborhood. Priorities, people. Having a job doesn’t matter if a dinosaur eats your trachea. Also, I’ve heard dinosaurs steal people’s jobs anyway. Here’s photographic evidence:


[Sources: Geekologie, Sunshine Coast Daily, Flying Scotsman. Thanks to North Coast Voices for part of the banner picture.]