The Best Cosplay From New York Comic-Con (Part Two)

Leonard Rockstein, AKA Dr. Rockso (Metalocalypse) and groupie. He does cocaine. [via]

New York Comic-Con took place this weekend in Poughkeepsie New York City. This means a weekend spent looking at hundreds of cosplay photos for “research”. A difficult life, this. Most of these photos come from larger galleries, so clicking on the link under each photo will bring you to an additional cosplay gallery. It’s like a Choose Your Own Adventure book, except all roads lead to creative costumes on happy nerds instead of the inevitable marshalling into the grave.

30 of our favorite cosplay photos from NYCC are collected below. Part one is available here. Tune in at the same Bat-time, same Bat-channel tomorrow for part three.

(Click pictures to enlarge)


Rule 63 Comedian (Watchmen) [via]



Barf (Spaceballs) [via]



Meagan Marie as Harvey Dent [via]

The Greendale Human Being (Community) [via]

Elizabeth Shaw (Prometheus) [via]

The Engineer (Prometheus) [via]

At least he knows a camera is pointed at his this time. [via]




General Grievous [via]

Guy in the back just got caught. [via]

“Twin James T. Kirks, in both the original and the Mirror Universe versions.” — Flavorwire

Tali (Mass Effect) [via]

Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers gets photobombed [via]

This Killer Croc cosplay is killer. [via]


Black Widow [via]


Stocking [via]

Red Lantern Corps member [via]

What is this I don’t even. [via]

