Finally, A Car That Runs On The Same Thing We Do! Cheese-Powered Car Sets Speed Record

A man and his car, bonding over a shared love.

So, researchers at Utah State University have created a car that runs on cheese. Well, if you want to be super-specific, it actually runs on the whey left over after you make cheese, but I’m just going to keep referring to it as a cheese-powered car. I can only imagine the exhaust this thing produces.

Anywho, the Utah State cheese car just set a new speed record! Which I guess means there was already a cheese car speed record to break? How long has this been going on? Did some guy just drop some Kraft singles in his tank one day and it all snowballed from there?

The Utah State cheese car managed to get up to a little over 65 mph. You can check out a video of the feat after the jump…

Cheese — is there anything it can’t do?

via Gizmag