Roar Out Of Tuesday With These Chewbacca GIFs

In light of Peter Mayhew’s bad time with the TSA recently, we thought we’d look back on everybody’s favorite walking carpet in GIF form: Chewbacca.

You’d be surprised how many times this particular GIF has been reblogged. Also how many loop the hands coming down and Leia’s head at the bottom of the frame.

Community once again proving its brilliance.

He’s got a bowcaster, Han, we don’t think he needs to be reassured.

This is actually part of a series showing how vintage Star Wars figures age over time. Not well, as you might have guessed.

We always knew.

Anybody who has a dog can actually probably relate to this one a little too much.

“…I get to strangle Lando soon!”

I actually use this one a lot.

Actually the least creepy GIF of this photo we found.

Tragically, Chewie threw out a thermal detonator by mistake.

Is it us or does this knock-off Chewie look like he belongs on Farscape? Also, how, precisely, did they sell this role to the actor? Did he get combat pay?