Hold It! The New ‘Ace Attorney’ Game Is Rated M?

Capcom’s Ace Attorney series has, of course, always revolved around murder, but the murders were typically sanitized, primetime safe affairs. Nothing you wouldn’t see on an episode of Murder She Wrote in other words. Well, it looks like that’s no longer the case in Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies, as the upcoming title has received a surprising M-rating from the ESRB.

But maybe it’s not violence that earned the latest Ace Attorney its M? Maybe after being bested on the stand, Phoenix Wright is now prone to letting fly with a dramatic, finger pointing “F–K YOU!!!”?

We’ll know for sure when the title arrives as a 3DS download this fall. In the meantime, hit the jump for a couple new English clips of Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies

Hmmm, aside from a decent amount of blood in that second clip, no real clues as to what earned the game it’s M-rating. Is it too much to hope it connected to busty lawyer/psychic lady Mia Fey?

Your breast-jiggle animation has been taunting me for too long, Mia.  


via GoNintendo