Will The First ‘Star Wars’ Spinoff Feature Han Solo And Boba Fett?

Most of what we know about the upcoming Star Wars spinoff — the first of what Disney clearly intends to be many — is that it’s a heist movie and that it might slot in between the prequels and the Star Wars movies we care about. But new rumors indicate it might also attempt to rewrite some history, especially when it comes to a certain nerf-herding smuggler.

As this is from Latino Review, season well with salt. But this isn’t too much of a reach:

This movie isn’t about the Death Star, as Han doesn’t recognize it in A New Hope, it’s about the relationship between Han, Boba Fett and the criminals (I assume Hutts because the Hutts are so entangled in the Fett V. Solo story). And if this movie uses Han and Boba Fett as a way of kicking off a whole new series of Star Wars films, I wouldn’t be surprised if Boba Fett’s solo film picks up where this one leaves off. Yes, it’s super-inter-connected, but that’s what Star Wars is now.

It makes more sense than assuming we’ll care about a bunch of characters that don’t turn up anywhere else. At least, from the perspective of a movie studio that made a lot of money off an interconnected universe. As actual Star Wars, this doesn’t feel quite right. But, hey, worst comes to worst, we can just write it off as another crappy prequel.