BBC Is Planning A TV Drama About The Creation Of The ‘Grand Theft Auto’ Series

If the movie’s not good, there’s going to be trouble. 

There are plenty of (mostly terrible) movies and TV shows based on video games, but not many about the making of games. I mean, sure, there was Grandma’s Boy, but that’s best left forgotten.

Well, video games may finally be getting their own version of The Social Network, as BBC is said to be working on a Grand Theft Auto TV drama. This won’t be an adaptation of the games themselves, but rather a dramatized take on the creation of the immensely popular series.

This won’t be an ongoing series, but rather a 90-minute TV movie. The movie is being produced by Guy Cocker, a video game journalist who works for BBC and has written for Wired, so hopefully this project takes a gaming-positive approach. Leave the documentary about how Grand Theft Auto warps children’s brains and is probably made by the devil himself to Fox News, perhaps.

What do you folks think? Interested in taking a drama-packed behind the scenes look at the creation of GTA?

via Engadget