A Dad Showed His Son ‘Star Wars’ For The First Time And Kept Track Of Every Question He Had

The best (only?) reason to have children is to make them hate the things you hate, and love the things you love. If you spend enough time dropping subtle references to The Empire Strikes Back being a million times better than Attack of the Clones, eventually your kids will be brainwashed and agree with you. Or rebel, and leave home at 14 because they’re sick of your Bail Organa bigotry.

One of the two.

Over at How to Be a Dad, the titular Dad, Andy Herald, showed his 7-year-old son, Lucas, Star Wars for the first time. Herald’s a fan, and he wanted Lucas to feel the same way, telling BuzzFeed, “Rather than saying it’s part of my childhood, I’d say it was part of my DNA. And I wanted it to be a part of his.” Congratulations, Andy, you raised your kid right; Lucas’ review of Episode IV: “The most amazingest thing ever.” He also asked 278 questions during the movie, which would be annoying, if it weren’t so adorable.

They’ve since watched Episodes V and VI, but not the prequels. Well done.

(Via BuzzFeed)

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