A Well-Armed Raptor Riding A Shark (And Links)

I offer no explanation for this.

13 Zombie Killerific ‘Walking Dead’ Zombie Kill GIFs |UPROXX|

You Couldn’t Pay Us Enough: Swiss Adventurers Perfect Extreme Hot-Tubbing |With Leather|

TV’s Greatest Marriage Proposals |Warming Glow|

Tensions At #OccupySesameStreet Are Heating Up (New Photoshops) |UPROXX|

2011 BET Hip-Hop Awards Cyphers: The Highs & Lows |Smoking Section|

This Week in Posters: Haywire, J. Edgar, Twilight, Dreamworks Face |Film Drunk|

‘Community’ Outtakes Are Adorable, Nerdy |Warming Glow|

Rum Diary Clips: Amber Heard parties naked |Film Drunk|

Actual Headline: Pro Wrestler Robs CVS, Gets Arrested In A Chili’s Bathroom |With Leather|

Fantastic Fest Aptitude Test |Adult Swim|

Brad Pitt Gets Hit By a Million Cars |NextRound|

The Simpsons Embrace Horsemaning |Buzzfeed|

This Has Something To Do With Occupy Wall St |I-Am-Bored|

Kid on Kid Tae Kwon Do Fighting Still Funny |The Daily What|

10 Needlessly Sexualized Versions of Everyday Products |Smoking Jacket|

81-Year-Old “Doctor” Offers Free Door-To-Door Breast Exams |Brobible|

The 9 TV Actors Who Were Never Supposed To Leave Their Castmates In The Dust |Pajiba|

VIDEO BELOW: Oskar the cat was born blind, but that doesn’t stop him from trying to defeat the wind itself. |via TheDailyWhat|

[Inset picture via TheFrogman.]
